Why Choose TWL-1S
The TWL-1S is used to monitor and assess thermal risk level indoor and outdoor. It has a smart user-friendly interface which allow users to instantly identify the thermal risk level result based on different colors. Users can also do data logging directly by connecting the device to windows PC via the USB cable. Wireless pager for remote alerting system is available for the TWL-1SR model.
Learn TWL-1S in 1 Minute
Scarlet TWL-1S is designed to measure WBGT and thermal work limit (TWL) heat index. The TWL measures air temperature, humidity, radiant heat and wind speed to come up with instructions for work, rest and hydration plan. We integrate the algorithm of TWL and work-rest schedule based on the latest guideline. The user-friendly interface even showed different colors to ensure users in line with TWL schedule. For example, red means unsafe for work, yellow means buffer zone and green means safe for work.
Meters were supposed to sense the targets and give readings. Scarlet intends to do more. TWL theory determines the threshold for a safe, fair, and dangerous working environment. Colorful LCD backlight tells you the risk level based on the TWL value.
Work-rest schedule and fluid intake are integrated into the display. A countdown timer shows the time remaining before a recommended rest.