PS-100 Polarimeter – Versatile Polarimeter for Measuring Stress in Glass or in Plastics in accordance with ASTM D4093, ASTM C148, ASTM F218
PS-100-SF Standard Field Polarimeter – General-purpose desktop system, with a 200 x 200 mm viewing area. Includes a circular/plane polarized illuminator and analyzer. Precision measurement of retardation, birefringence, orientation, stress or strain can be achieved in accordance with widely accepted test methods.
PS-100-MW Microscope/Polarimeter System – Supplied with a 75mm high-intensity LED light source, a microscope, and a measuring wedge assembly with digital readout. Often used to evaluate surface compression and mid-plane tension in a glass slice. Video zoom systems for high-magnification, depth of compression layer, and defect detection are also available (PS-100-DWC-HS).
PS-100-1011 Large Field Polarimeter – Tripod-mounted analyzer for horizontal viewing of larger samples; features a 250 x 280 mm viewing area. Ideal for automotive glass and container glass applications.