Ring72 AC Pro
72 channel beamforming microphone array
This 72 channel ring array is designed for applications in acoustic labs and the free field. The lightweight array body is designed as slim as possible and is made of aluminum. This ensures easy handling and accurate microphone positioning. Depending on your requirements, 100 cm, 120 cm and 140 cm versions can also be provided.
Measuring larger objects
Depending on a signal’s spectral composition, the recommended measurement distance varies between 1.5 and 20 meters. Longer ranges are possible for measurements in considerably mid and high frequency ranges. The wiring of the microphones is enclosed in and protected by the array body which guarantees the best possible acoustic transparency to measure accurate sound levels.
Other features:
- Provides the highest spatial resolution.
- A high depth of field (to see all sources in one acoustic map).
- Minimizes partial reflections and resonance effects between the measured object and the array.
Furthermore, the ring geometry minimizes aliasing effects which are easy to interpret as they indicate possible source locations.
The built-in studio microphones have an extremely linear frequency response. All are carefully hand-selected and calibrated to ensure stable sound pressure levels (+/- 0.5 dB). To allow long distances, the array is connected to the mcdRec data recorder via differential SymBus microphone connector cables (max. 20 m). The array comes with an integrated fixed focus camera, which can be supplied as USB or Ethernet version, delivered in different sensor sizes, resolutions and frame rates. The included high-end Manfrotto tripod allows a set up in almost any measurement environment imaginable. Array and tripod are supplied in a transport case and bag respectively.