Equipped with dedicated SigtestUI™ multitasking system, the ETO series is very smooth to operate. Soft rubber protected slim body, with a 14-inch integrated touch screen and highest resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels, brings ultra-clear waveform display you might never experienced.
Ultra-low Noise Floor
Less than 90μVrms noise floor even at 500M full bandwidth, able to capture weak but important events during signal debugging and analysis.
Intuitive Operating Interface
Equipped with Micsig’s dedicated instruments system — the SigTest UI, all operations on the ETO can be completed easily and quickly, it’s a combination of thousands suggestions from our engineer users.
Deep Memory
Up to 360Mpts memory depth, ensuring excellent signal fidelity even at large timebase.
Hardware Digital Filter
ETO series can selectively pass or block components within specific frequency ranges. The range can go as low as 30Hz, effectively filtering out interference and noise, greatly improves accuracy and reliability.