Material Sound Transmission Loss and Acoustic Impedance Tube Systems
Nor1527 acoustic performance measurement system is an acoustic impedance, sound transmission loss and sound absorption coefficient measurement system operating in accordance with ASTM E-2611, ASTM E-1050, ISO 10534-2 standards. Measurements can be made at a frequency of 50Hz – 6400 Hz, under room conditions, temperature and pressure. There are 2 different diameter tubes (100 mm, 30 mm diameter) for low and high frequency measurements.
Applications 1527
- ASTM E2611 (4 Pole Transfer Matrix Method) measurement method
- ASTM E1050 and ISO 10534-2 (Transfer Function Method) measurement method
- Determination of sound barrier properties (sound transmission loss, characteristic impedance, characteristic wave number)
- Determination of sound absorbing properties (sound absorption coefficient, complex reflection coefficient, surface impedance)
- Determination of dynamic density and dynamic bulk modulus
- Determination of transfer matrix elements
- Random incidence absorption estimation models
- Tube attenuation removal algorithm for deficient absorptive materials
- Conical adapter correction for transmission loss measurements
- Determination of intrinsic properties with Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) material model.
(Porosity, Flow Resistivity, Tortuosity, Viscous Characteristic Length, Thermal Characteristic Length, Static Thermal Permeability) - Amplitude and phase calibration of the microphones
- Selectable frequency resolution and number of averages
- ASCII, MS Excel™ export
- Direct export to MSC Actran for poro-elastic materials definition