► Continuous frequency range from 36 GHz to 56 GHz
across the Q/V band
► Instantaneous modulation bandwidth up to 2 GHz
► High output power up to +16 dBm (specified)
► Setup with 20 GHz R&S®SMW200A (modulated signal)
and 20 GHz R&S®SMA100B (local oscillator)
Q/V band RF upconverter setup
Q/V band RF upconverter setup with R&S®SMA100B,
R&S®SMW200A and R&S®SZV100A
► Best EVM performance using R&S®SMA100B as the
local oscillator (LO) signal source
► Switchable gain modes for optimized broadband noise
► Small form factor, low weight, mounting points for
outdoor TVAC mounting closest to the DUT
► Remote operation with cable length up to 10 m
between signal sources and R&S®SZV100A
► PC software with graphical user interface via LAN (IP)
for comfortable instrument remote contro
Easy to buy
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