About Industrial Scanning Camera Advacam WidePIX 2(1)X5:
WidePIX 2(1)X5 camera consists of either 2×5 or 1×5 Timepix devices. The camera can be constructed with Si or CdTe edgeless sensor tiles. The edgeless sensor technology allows placing all tiles tightly together from all sides. Thus the whole imaging area of the camera is fully sensitive to the radiation – there are no gaps between the tiles in the image. The camera is made robust to address industrial users.
The WidePIX 1×5 camera offers built-in Digital Time-Delayed-Integration (DTDI) for scanning in industrial applications. It is very advantageous for scanning of larger objects or for CT scanners where some parts of rotating object can leave field of view. WidePIX 2(1)X5 is available with Si and CdTe sensors for imaging of the soft and hard X-ray spectrums, respectively.
The minimum detectable energy is typically 5 keV in case of X-ray photons. The intrinsic spatial resolution of the camera is defined by pixel size which is 55 µm. The pixels situated on the border of tiles are 2 times larger in one direction. The corner pixels of tiles are 2 times larger in both directions.