About Portable USB Camera for Education Advacam MiniPIX EDU:
MiniPIX EDU is a miniaturised USB camera designed and priced for educational use. It brings the latest technology of radiation imaging to classrooms and lets students discover the invisible world of ionizing radiation surrounding us. The same technology is used by NASA in space to monitor the radiation received by the astronauts. Students can explore the origin of different types of radiation particles and see how radioactive isotopes migrate in the nature and in the artificial environment of human houses, cities, industries.
MiniPIX EDU can record very small levels of radioactivity that are present everywhere around us. Students can see radioactivity of common materials and objects such as piece of granite, ash, paper bag from vacuum cleaner or a face mask. They can explore variation of the air radioactivity during the day, hunt for cosmic muons and check their directions, see how altitude affects presence of radiation types. They can try to prepare their own (safe) radioactive source and try to construct the shielding against radiation it emits. They can check the laws of radioactive decay. Students can directly observe how different radiation types interact with matter and what happens then.
It is enough to plug the MiniPIX EDU device to the USB port of your PC and start the software. Using the proprietary RadView radiation visualisation software fascinating images of ionizing particles will start to appear in front of you. The students can understand how people benefit of ionizing radiation and radioactivity.