Description MiniPIX TPX Standard
The standard MiniPIX system incorporates single Timepix detector (256 x 256 pixels with a pitch of 55 μm) with a sensor according to customer preference (standardly 300 μm thick silicon). It uses a USB 2.0 interface capable of reading up to 45 frames per second (with an exposure time of 1 ms). The Timepix detector is energy sensitive, bringing a new dimension to radiographic images.
The MiniPIX device is controlled via USB interface. The major operating systems are supported (MS Windows, Mac OS and LINUX). The complex software PIXET PRO used for detector operation is provided for free.
Several MiniPIX devices connected to single or several computers can be operated together forming the radiation monitoring network. The whole group is accessed using advanced application allowing setting of alarm levels for different radiation types, performing data logging and calculating various statistics, protocols and charts. Such network can serve as long time monitor of environment1. Several other devices developed in IEAP CTU in Prague and produced by ADVACAM s.r.o. company can be also integrated into such monitoring network.
Example of the radiation monitoring network based on the first version of MiniPIX is operated in ISS (International Space Station). This network was installed by common effort of NASA, University of Houston and IEAP CTU in Prague. Devices and software was developed by IEAP CTU in Prague.