Brief Introduction
TH2838 is a new generation impedance tester adopting the most advanced auto balance bridge theory in the world at present. With its 0.05% basic accuracy, speed up to 5.6ms, 20Hz-2MHz frequency range and impedance test range up to 1GΩ, this new impedance tester can meet all test demands of components and materials, especially for testing capacitor with low D and inductor with high Q. Four-terminal pair configuration can eliminate the effect of electromagnetic coupling in test cable, to extend the low limit of low impedance test 10 times than those testers with Five-pair configuration.
TH2838 supports 2V AC test signal and 10V DC Bias, new-added improved multi parameter list sweep/graphic analyze will help customers to extend the comprehensive evaluation ability on components.
TH2838is a strong tool for the design, examination, quality control and production test of electronic components. Its excellent performances and functions provide a powerful tool for circuit design and development, as well as material (electronic material and non-electronic material) research and development.
TH2838 can realize various tests of commercial standards and military standards, such as IEC and MIL.v
■ Passive component:
Impedance parameter estimation and performance analysis of capacitor, inductor, magnetic core, resistor, piezoelectric devices, transformers, chip components and network components
■ Semiconductor component
Parasitic parameter test and analysis of LED driver integrated circuit
C-VDC features of varactors
Parasitic parameter analysis of transistors or integrated circuit
■ Other components
Impedance assessment of printed circuit boards, relays, switches, cables, batteries
■ Dielectric material
Dielectric constant and loss angle evaluation of plastics, ceramics and other materials
■ Magnetic materials
Magnetic permeability and loss angle assessment of ferrite, amorphous body and other magnetic materials
■ Semiconductor materials
Dielectric constant, electrical conductivity and C-V characteristics of semiconductor materials
■ Liquid crystal cell
Dielectric constant, elastic constant and C-V characteristics of liquid crystal cell